Cardiac Surveillance: The Pentagon can now track your unique heartbeat

Did you know that your heart is one-of-a-kind? Not metaphorically, speaking. Literally, your heartbeat (cardiac signature) is as unique to you as your fingerprint. While cardiac signatures are most commonly used to detect fatal heart conditions (the Apple Watch’s EKG monitor is already saving people’s lives), your heartbeat will soon be used to identify who… Continue reading Cardiac Surveillance: The Pentagon can now track your unique heartbeat

How De-anonymizing Broadcast on Social Media could solve the Deepfake issue

News about deepfakes has not stopped for the past two weeks and probably won’t slow down anytime soon. Unfortunately, the media stories are consolidated around “deepfakes cause political strife”, with the only possible solution being technology. This narrative is important but limited in scope, which is why I will continue to propose new ways to… Continue reading How De-anonymizing Broadcast on Social Media could solve the Deepfake issue

Roomba, the lovable robot vacuum cleaner is going to teach kids to code

It disappoints me that in 2019 the most effective and popular consumer robot is still the robot vacuum cleaner, Roomba. Honestly, it’s not that surprising. We want our robots to achieve one thing really well and relieve us from that thing. However, I don’t think robots are doomed to human servitude. There’s room for robots… Continue reading Roomba, the lovable robot vacuum cleaner is going to teach kids to code

Are Privacy Policies the greatest threat facing the future of the Internet?

We have a major problem with privacy policies. Purple, a UK WiFi hotspot provider, hid a “Community Service Clause” into its service agreements. 22,000 people at coffee shops and restaurants across the UK agreed to 1,000 hours of menial labor when they signed onto use Purple’s WiFi. The labor included cleaning local parks of animal… Continue reading Are Privacy Policies the greatest threat facing the future of the Internet?

Are you curious why Facebook announced a cryptocurrency today?

I cannot think of a technology that has gone through more tumult and re-identification than cryptocurrency. From being pegged as the bad-influence technology that enables illicit transactions on the web, to becoming the get-rich-quick scheme on CNBC, to then becoming another instance of overhyped technology, seriously, crypto has been through it all. Along this wild… Continue reading Are you curious why Facebook announced a cryptocurrency today?

Your apps can incriminate you. Just ask these 600 soccer fans

Nobody likes a snitch. They are seen in movies and in public as the lowest of the lows. Should we view technological snitches in the same way? Well, what’s a technological snitch, you might ask? Spain’s top soccer league, La Liga, was fined €250,000 ($280,000) by the country’s data protection agency for monitoring its Android… Continue reading Your apps can incriminate you. Just ask these 600 soccer fans

How will we defend against Deepfakes – the greatest threat to our democracy?

Mary Meeker pointed out in her Annual Internet Trends Report that we’re spending an average of 6.3 hours a day on digital media. The opportunities to influence how people think via what they see, read, and hear online is vast. The problem, though, is that our digital media timelines are going to be increasingly tested… Continue reading How will we defend against Deepfakes – the greatest threat to our democracy?

Amazon won’t be the only one dominating the 2030 Subscription Economy

Nearly a year ago, Amazon launched The Subscription Box Store, which has steadily grown to offer a massive variety of more than 100 brand boxes – everything from Crayola packages to German Food samplers to beard treatment boxes. Amazon’s unique customer trust, proven Prime subscription service (with 100-million subscribers), access to nearly every product on… Continue reading Amazon won’t be the only one dominating the 2030 Subscription Economy

Uber, Lyft, BMW, and Google are all in the E-Scooter market… What am I missing?

If you don’t live in a major US city or haven’t visited one in the past year, then there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of the e-scooter sharing economy. It’s just like Uber and Lyft except the vehicles are electric scooters. Flashy or not, their rise has been meteoric. The two frontrunners – Lime… Continue reading Uber, Lyft, BMW, and Google are all in the E-Scooter market… What am I missing?