Globalization has its perks. Hop on a plane and go nearly anywhere in the world at any time. Sell your products and services to the 4.5 billion digital citizens, instead of the few thousand or million in your area. But one thing that globalization doesn’t help is the spread of infections and disease. At any… Continue reading AI Against Pandemics – The Algorithm that Helped Contain the Coronavirus
Category: Quick Theories
The Immense Marketing Potential of Google Earth Tours
Google has mapped 98% of the inhabited world. If people live there, then Google has probably grabbed a satellite or street view image of that place. The immense value of mapping the globe goes beyond navigation, though. Interactive digital maps of the Earth will have a great impact on tourism, education, entertainment, and more. Now… Continue reading The Immense Marketing Potential of Google Earth Tours
The Next Great Influencers will be Google Reviewers
In ten years, having digitally reviewed 10,000 places will be far more valuable on a social level than having 10,000 followers. Reviews are the building blocks of trust on the Internet. And they’ve yet to be realized to their full potential in terms of social utility. Imagine for a moment that you’re out to eat… Continue reading The Next Great Influencers will be Google Reviewers
The 3 Most Exciting Advances in Voice Technology from Project Voice 2020
Stamp collectors may come across as being from another planet. Collecting stamps is a strange, obsessive hobby. That is until you’re at a stamp convention with hundreds of collectors, at which point these other-planetary beings show that they’re a part of an entire universe. A universe where their odd ideas are actually quite prescient. A… Continue reading The 3 Most Exciting Advances in Voice Technology from Project Voice 2020
Alexa’s Emerging Role in Emergency Situations
Smart speakers should excel in emergency situations. Hands aren’t free, can’t find your phone, or don’t have time to find your phone? No problem, you just need your voice. When time is against you and you have to act quick, an emergency responder could be just a shout away in any room of the house,… Continue reading Alexa’s Emerging Role in Emergency Situations
Death and Digital Technology – Where are the Startups for the Dying Industry?
Where’s the social network for dead people? Alright, horrible way of wording it. Where’s the social network dedicated to honoring the deceased? A place where we can connect with people who were connected to our friends that passed. A place we can revisit years or decades later that is filled with stories, photos, and memories… Continue reading Death and Digital Technology – Where are the Startups for the Dying Industry?
The Next Great Ad Platforms (Twitch & TikTok) have a Huge Barrier to Entry
2019 was heavily projected to be the first year that digital ad spend finally surpassed traditional print and TV ads. It’s a moment that says a lot about how ad dollars are allocated: ad dollars are slow to adopt new platforms. In advertising, it’s not always best to be ahead of the curve and first… Continue reading The Next Great Ad Platforms (Twitch & TikTok) have a Huge Barrier to Entry
Don’t Forget About Experiential Marketing in 2020
Every five years, you can expect a new flavor of marketing to emerge and become the most picked flavor at the ice cream shop. Remember when guerilla marketing was the rage? Flash mobs were everywhere and the CEO of Lifelock publicized his Social Security number for people to try and steal. Marketing tactics come and… Continue reading Don’t Forget About Experiential Marketing in 2020
Brand Avatars are Coming for Hollywood Movie Roles
When we speak of the automation of industries, rarely (if ever at all) do we talk about the automation of entertainment. How can you automate entertainment? Like most automation, you take the humans out of the equation. With entertainment, the actors, musicians, and personalities are the product. So, you must replicate that product digitally. That’s… Continue reading Brand Avatars are Coming for Hollywood Movie Roles