We’re Living in the Era of the Robopreneur

Everything that we once considered essential to becoming an entrepreneur is now reversed. The standard “Entrepreneurial Checklist” used to go in this order: Identify a problem in the market Generate solutions and prototypes Sell and find product-market fit Create media, advertisements, partnerships, and promotions You can still do it the traditional way, however, you’re putting… Continue reading We’re Living in the Era of the Robopreneur

KFC’s Colonel Sanders is now a digital human – Will other iconic brand mascots follow?

Look at digital humans through the lens of a corporation. Digital human influencers are more reliable, trustworthy, and less of a hassle than their flesh-and-blood counterparts. All of their actions are controlled by the organization. Everything about a digital human can be fabricated – from their personality to their struggles to the way they solve… Continue reading KFC’s Colonel Sanders is now a digital human – Will other iconic brand mascots follow?

What happens when the Internet Archive gets erased?

History is always written by the winners. It’s just the nature of the game. The conquerors speak highly of themselves while the conquered don’t get any press. The Internet, however, has made a case for the opposite – a history where all sides of the story are covered, first hand. Unfortunately, theory and practice don’t… Continue reading What happens when the Internet Archive gets erased?

AI in Marketing: 5 Ways that Deepfakes will actually bring good into the world

About 18 months ago, a frightening technology surfaced called deepfakes, which used video manipulation algorithms to convincingly edit videos of other people and literally put words right in their mouth. Marco Rubio described the technology as a propaganda weapon. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, told US senators deepfake videos could be banned by Facebook. Others… Continue reading AI in Marketing: 5 Ways that Deepfakes will actually bring good into the world

Will the world’s first church of artificial intelligence catch on?

Common belief has it that religion and technology mix like vinegar and water. In other words, not well. For the most part, we view religion as an industry that doesn’t need to innovate with technology in order to survive. They innovate and adapt their storytelling for the current times, but not their actual technology. However,… Continue reading Will the world’s first church of artificial intelligence catch on?

What is the Metaverse and how will it replace the Internet?

There will be a digital life after the Internet. Not in the sense that our digital infrastructure might collapse. Rather, there will come a social invention that outdoes the Internet, believe it or not. That invention, it appears, will be the Metaverse – a culmination of the Internet and the boundless possibilities in augmented and… Continue reading What is the Metaverse and how will it replace the Internet?

15 years after its debut, will Gmail ever be dethroned?

Every few years, people pronounce email to be dead. Yet, here we are, some 30 years into email’s existence and it’s still the first place people turn to move their opportunities forward. Frequently I find myself thinking about email, perhaps the unsexiest of all our daily technologies, questioning how it’s continued to stay relevant for… Continue reading 15 years after its debut, will Gmail ever be dethroned?

We create more than 150 million digital maps daily… Meanwhile, you only use Google Maps

Our ability to compile location-based data and create accurate maps is one of the most underrated achievements of humankind. Many of us assume that after the “official” World Map was completed and after Google Earth was released to the masses, that everything about mapping was completed. This could not be further from the truth. Every… Continue reading We create more than 150 million digital maps daily… Meanwhile, you only use Google Maps

How Apple News+ kills the relationship between magazine and reader

If we learned anything this week, it’s that this is not the time for anyone in the media or publishing game to be taking a vacation. The media industry as we know it is under a complete redevelopment. While publishers used to fight to get the scoop before their competition. Now, they must fight to… Continue reading How Apple News+ kills the relationship between magazine and reader